当前位置: 首页 > 团队展示 > 我国茶叶品牌“十三五”发展战略规划建议

“十四五”期间(2021-2025年),面对高质量发展的新时代,我国茶产业结构持续转型升级,经济发展方式向高质量转变而茶叶品牌也将迎来重要的战略机遇期。 为进一步增强我国茶叶品牌市场竞争力,提高品牌建设水平,发展产业品牌经济,助力推动茶产业结构优化调整和高质量发展。 根据我国茶产业发展和品牌建设实际,制定本规划建议。


“十三五”期间,我国茶产业整体品牌意识不断提升。 在当地各级政府部门、企业和行业组织的共同努力下,大力实施品牌发展战略,逐步形成了以企业为主导、以市场为导向、政府推动的茶产业品牌发展趋势。并由社会共建。


截至“十三五”末,我国茶叶注册商标总数突破68万件(约占全国有效商标注册总数的3%),中国茶叶商标注册量94件。驰名商标(茶叶)、中华老字号(茶叶)37个,全国共有131个茶叶产品获得地理标志产品保护,注册地理标志证明商标230多个,茶叶地理标志28个标志产品已列入中欧地理标志协议保护名录。 全行业有农业产业化国家级重点龙头企业37家,中国特色农产品优势区22个。 2018年5月,中国茶叶流通协会与中国品牌建设促进会联合成立中国茶叶集群品牌联盟,成为行业首个品牌专一服务机构。 同时,各大茶叶产销区先后培育了一批具有较强影响力和竞争力的全国知名品牌和地方特产品牌,与安吉白茶、安化红茶、安溪铁观音、武夷岩形成了品牌。英德红茶、横县茉莉花茶、赤壁青砖茶、福鼎白茶等区域公共品牌,以及中茶、湘茶、浙茶、大益、竹叶青、品品香等知名企业品牌,巴马、花香园为核心产品集群和产业集聚区。 经过五年建设发展,我国茶叶品牌整体数量和质量较“十二五”末期有了较大提升,品牌经济逐渐成为茶叶品牌发展的重要引擎和强大推力。我国茶产业经济发展。


目前,我国茶叶品牌建设整体水平与日益增长的优质品牌需求之间的矛盾比较突出,品牌发展仍滞后于茶产业经济发展; 品牌总数和规模较小,品牌价值和影响力较低,品牌工作机制和服务机构松散; 全行业品牌意识有待进一步提升,品牌引领作用不够强,行业高质量发展对品牌培育的需求倍增; 品牌政策、法律监管和知识产权保护体系尚不完善,品牌公信力和影响力还不够高,品牌研发创新平台明显不足,民族茶叶品牌建设任重而道远。去。



品牌是信誉的凝结、形象的展示,是产品、企业乃至国家核心竞争力的综合体现。 党中央、国务院高度重视品牌建设,把加强品牌建设作为经济社会转型发展的战略举措。 新的竞争优势。 同时,对加强品牌建设、促进品牌发展也提出明确要求:加强品牌建设,以质量提升增强发展后劲,集聚有质量内涵的要素资源,增强自主创新能力和区域竞争力,推动转型升级。制造向创造、速度向品质转变、产品向品牌转变,确保实现中高速增长和中高端发展双重目标,不断提高发展水平和水平。质量和品牌的综合竞争力。 茶产业作为我国传统特色农业经济产业,尽管品牌建设起步较晚,但发展迅速。 特别是各主要茶叶产区政府高度关注和支持当地茶叶区域公共品牌建设。 同时,通过设立品牌服务机构和品牌专项基金、引导品牌参加展会等方式助推本土企业品牌发展。


从外部环境看,当前世界正在发生重大变化。 中国在世界发展格局中的作用日益凸显。 在其话语权和影响力逐渐增强的同时,国内经济和产业空心化开始显现,区域经济差距拉大,国民经济增速放缓,生态环保问题加剧,中美贸易战等新冠疫情使外部环境更加严峻,进一步制约和阻碍中华民族发展。 “十四五”的五年必将是中国发展转型的五年,也是突破的五年。 从内部环境看,“十三五”时期我国主要矛盾已从“人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后社会生产的矛盾”转变为“人民日益增长的需要”。 “美好生活与不平衡不充分发展的矛盾”,民族发展面临新时代、新阶段、新矛盾、新问题、新机遇、新挑战、新目标等一系列新情况,以及新的任务。 国内发展面临诸多领域调整,经济高速增长背后的隐患逐渐显现。 “十四五”时期的发展必将更加注重解决积压问题,强调新动能建设,转变和适应政府新角色,重视并做好工作在新市场引导上,注重新媒体、新渠道的应用。 “十四五”的五年必将是重塑国内经济、格局、发展的五年,将涌现一批新亮点,助推国内经济发展。


据联合国开发计划署统计,国际知名品牌在全球品牌中所占比例不到3%,但市场份额却高达40%,销售额超过50%。 与之相对应的是,目前参与国际市场的中国企业中,拥有自主品牌的企业不足20%,自主品牌出口额占出口总额的比例不足10%。 全球100家最具价值品牌企业中,大多数企业在国际市场的销售额占年销售额的50%以上。 就连中国一些知名企业的海外销售额也不足10亿美元,仅占其销售额的10%左右。 。


据国家知识产权局相关数据和信息显示,中国是国际市场上遭遇反倾销投诉最多的国家。 在出口行业,在知识产权方面,商标抢注、专利侵权等坏消息不断。 自身薄弱、缺乏建立相应的联盟组织等,导致中国企业在知识产权保护方面付出了更多的学费。 知识产权保护的直接体现就是品牌的价值。 一个好的品牌不仅需要创造,更需要精心保护。 最有力的保障就是知识产权的保护。



当前,我国正处于需求结构剧变的新时期。 居民收入水平的提高、消费结构的升级、人口结构的变化以及城镇化的快速发展,将显着改变茶叶产品原有的需求结构。 消费者对茶产品品质的要求对安全、品质、风味、产品包装等因素更加“挑剔”,个性化、体验式、精神文化消费和品牌产品需求不断增加,从而推动高品质化品牌及相关产业的发展。 同时,国际知名品牌的成功因素在于做好品牌营销和品牌建设,始终与时俱进,保持品牌年轻。 中国很多企业认为,做计划、做创意就可以发财,只要广告做得好,产品就会卖得好。 因此,他们更注重短期的销售行为,但对长期的品牌建设和维护却相对短视。





1.加强政府引导。 继续完善和提升政府品牌服务职能,引导和鼓励地方和企业深入开展品牌建设,加强品牌推广、监管和保护。

2、品牌协同效应凝聚。 集中行业资源形成品牌合力,加强重点领域品牌培育,加大品牌建设政策保障力度。

3、坚持企业主导。 强化企业品牌意识,发挥主体作用,夯实品牌基础,提升品牌价值,推动企业高质量发展。

4、促进品牌联动。 广泛动员和参与行业品牌教育培训,宣传品牌文化,营造品牌建设社会氛围,建立健全品牌建设社会监督机制,增强品牌建设社会影响力。


立足国家茶产业发展战略布局和重点领域,聚焦传统支柱产业和新兴特色产业,在现有特色优势区域公共品牌基础上,培育一批中国茶知名产品和企业在国内外市场具有一定影响力的品牌。 鼓励引导茶企业积极开展品牌建设,打造一批成长性好、品牌竞争力较强的茶企业品牌。 支持创建一批区域特色突出、质量标准先进、品牌带动和辐射效应强、集聚效应明显、竞争力强的现代茶产业集群区域品牌。 整体茶叶品牌建设成效显着,各类品牌数量大幅增加,品牌规模进一步扩大,品牌效应进一步显现。 全行业品牌质量意识进一步增强,茶叶优质品牌发展环境明显优化。 在国际茶叶市场领域,拥有更多的品牌质量标准制定权和话语权,将“民族茶叶品牌”推向世界。

到 2025 年:

1、品牌数量大幅增加,品牌质量持续提升。 力争实现:我国茶叶商标注册总数达到100万个,中国驰名商标(茶叶)总数突破150个,茶叶地理标志产品保护达到200个,注册数量达到100个。地理标志证明商标已超过350个,其中茶叶地理标志已登记31个。 标志产品成功列入中欧地理标志协定保护名录,国家级“守合同重信用”企业增加50家,中国质量奖企业增减1家-2个,农业“三品一标”认证数量增加200家,1-2家企业入选中国品牌价值综合榜前100强。

2、依托茶叶资源优势,创建一批国家质量品牌示范区。 力争依托茶产业高质量发展实现:新增2-3个国家级食品安全城市、10个国家级农产品质量安全县、3-5个国家知名品牌示范区、国家级出口食品和农产品质量。 新增1-2个安全示范区,新增2-3个国家电子商务示范基地,打造3-5个具有行业实际特色的茶叶区域公共品牌,与企业品牌联动性强,品牌经济效益显着提升。 簇。

3、茶叶品牌价值显着提升,品牌知名度和影响力不断提升。 力争实现:建立一套指标设置科学、行业内外公信力强、认可度高、甚至可以与国家综合品牌价值评价体系相比较的茶产业品牌价值评价体系,制定并发布茶产业品牌价值评价与提升系列标准10项以上,搭建2-3个国家级茶产业品牌专业推广宣传服务平台,结合茶产业品牌价值评价与推广等主题,建立多元化茶品牌宣传推广模式定为“国家品牌日”。





1、制定茶企业品牌发展战略。 企业应制定以品牌建设为核心的发展战略,制定切实可行的短期和中长期品牌建设规划并实施。 企业主要负责人要重视并切实推进企业品牌建设的相关工作。 建立注重质量、诚信、创新、保护的企业品牌文化。 企业内部应建立强有力的组织体制机制,保证企业品牌发展战略规划的有效实施。

2.完善茶企业品牌建设体系。 构建以品牌管理体系、品牌传播体系、质量保证体系、技术创新体系、品牌文化体系、品牌保护体系为核心的茶企业品牌建设综合体系,注重品牌培育的关键过程,提升茶企业品牌建设水平。企业品牌培育能力。 加强宣传推广,提升品牌知名度。 持续保证高水平的产品和服务质量,提升品牌美誉度。 持续创新提升品牌竞争力。 形成全社会认可的茶企业优秀品牌文化,增强品牌忠诚度。 加强品牌等无形资产保护。

3、继续提高茶叶企业质量水平。 采用先进的质量管理模式,建立健全茶企业质量管理体系,强化全员、全过程、各环节的质量管理,加强质量控制和质量创新,不断追求卓越。 大力推广先进技术手段和现代质量管理理念和方法,广泛开展质量改进、质量研究、质量比较、质量风险分析、质量成本控制、质量管理队伍建设等活动。 积极采用先进标准组织生产经营,坚持高标准、高质量。 积极应用减量化、资源化、循环利用、再利用、再制造等绿色环保技术,大力发展低碳、清洁、高效、节能的茶叶生产经营模式。

4.提高茶企业创新能力。 引进优秀人才,加大研发投入,以创新作为企业提升品牌竞争力的抓手,切实加大技术创新投入,进一步加快科技成果转化,注重标准化、专利化、产业化创新成果,改变茶企业的过去。 重生产轻研发、重引进轻消化、重模仿轻创新的局面普遍存在。 紧跟时代发展潮流,加强茶企业管理创新、服务创新和商业模式创新。 积极应用新技术、新工艺、新材料,提高产品质量和产品档次,研发具有自主知识产权、核心技术、较强市场竞争力的创新茶产品和服务。

5、坚持诚信服务社会。 广大茶企业应主动了解国家相关法律法规和标准制定修订情况,严格遵守各项法律法规和政策规定,自觉抵制侵犯知识产权、假冒伪劣等违法违规行为。 、偷工减料,在生产经营中具有强烈的诚信意识,牢固树立诚信是品牌生命的理念,大力弘扬诚信为本的经营精神。 建立内部诚信管理体系并推动实施。 定期主动发布信用报告,建立健全社会责任履行机制,将社会责任纳入经营管理决策。 推动各类茶企业积极承担对员工、消费者、投资者、合作伙伴、社区、环境等利益相关者的社会责任。 鼓励企业发布社会责任报告,加强诚信自律。 履行企业承诺茶叶品牌策划方案,创造经济、环境、社会综合价值,树立服务社会的良好形象。

6、夯实品牌资产基础。 企业品牌资产由有形资产和无形资产组成。 要着力加强品牌经营,培育广大茶叶企业的基础实力。 在国际化、标准化、示范性的总体要求下,建立多层次、多元化的品牌经营、管理和培育机制。 在优化结构、提质增效的前提下,通过滚动发展、兼并重组、收购等方式,把企业的有形资产做大做强。 同时,注重茶企业自主品牌无形资产的保护,积极从财务、可能出现的不良行为、法律等方面制定全面有效的品牌保护措施,防范品牌侵权,妥善处理茶企品牌的投诉。妥善处理突发品牌危机事件,树立良好的品牌社会形象,维护自身品牌利益。


1、提升全行业品牌意识。 加强舆论宣传,充分发挥新闻媒体的引导作用,切实增强全行业的质量意识和维权意识。 注重发挥典型示范作用茶叶品牌策划方案,加大对重质量、守法经营、诚实守信的优秀茶叶企业和品质优良的茶叶品牌的宣传报道,激励先进、弘扬正气。 加强茶叶质量文化建设,不断增强行业质量意识,让关注质量成为全行业和广大从业人员的自觉意识和日常习惯。 加强茶企业品牌文化建设,引导广大茶企业建立以质量和信誉为核心的优秀品牌文化。 推动全行业品牌文化建设,将品牌建设作为宣传工作的重点内容。 倡导理性消费,杜绝各种茶叶相关概念的炒作和虚假宣传,树立国茶质量信心、产品信心、品牌信心,形成“聚焦品牌、争创品牌”的良好氛围。全行业“维护品牌、崇尚品牌”。

2.发挥社会组织作用。 行业专业组织与科研院所、高等院校、企业合作,共同设立品牌建设研究、咨询、评估等机构,鼓励第三方组织开展标准化品牌建设服务活动,加强对品牌建设工作的专业指导。 ; 鼓励和培育第三方组织做大做强品牌; 加强对品牌建设第三方机构行为的监督管理,防止随机评级等违规行为。 充分发挥品牌建设专业机构作用,开展茶叶品牌评价和品牌价值评价。 充分发挥行业组织的纽带作用,在行业内外推广先进的品牌营销理念、品牌管理模式和方法,提升行业企业市场调研、产品定位、营销策划、传播宣传等能力,和公关服务,引导广大茶叶企业走品牌之路,促进行业自律,提高产品质量和美誉度。 充分发挥行业组织的行业管理和专业技术专长,鼓励专业品牌、社区品牌、企业品牌培育和发展。

3.推进品牌教育和人才培养。 充分发挥企业品牌资源优势,探索建立茶叶品牌教育社会实践基地; 充分发挥品牌建设协会积极性,开展质量品牌从业人员培训,提高质量品牌从业人员能力和素质。 依托社会组织、科研机构等专业机构开展品牌经理培训。 推动各类院校和专业开设茶叶品质与品牌相关课程,支持有条件的院校开设相关专业,对茶叶品质与品牌从业人员进行专业教育,培养品牌建设专业人才。



一、财税金融支持政策。 建议茶叶主产销区政府部门加大统筹规划和品牌建设资金力度,引导社会各界参与茶叶品牌建设,形成稳定的保障机制。 综合运用项目补贴、定向资助、贷款贴息、风险补偿等优惠政策,吸引和鼓励社会资金聚集茶叶品牌建设。 支持有一定规模和实力的品牌茶企业发行公司债券或上市融资,鼓励以品牌为纽带的兼并重组。 探索出台品牌质押融资和评价管理相关政策措施,支持企业依法使用品牌资产质押融资。 推广“守合同重信用”宣传企业增信融资模式,拓展茶企业融资新渠道。

2、专业的平台服务政策。 加快茶叶品牌服务平台建设,为茶叶品牌建设提供专业服务和技术支持。 围绕各地优势茶产业集群,建设一批高标准的国家(省)茶叶质检中心、国家(省)茶叶企业技术中心、茶叶工程技术研究中心等品牌技术服务平台。 建立标准化茶叶品牌建设专用网站,搭建品牌信息服务平台。 建立茶叶品牌建设专业机构,搭建品牌建设第三方服务平台。

3.品牌保护监管政策。 加强茶叶品牌保护法制建设,推动茶叶主要产销地区地方立法。 鼓励各级政府制定产业政策、科技政策、贸易政策、人才政策等,促进茶叶品牌建设和保护。 完善茶叶品牌保护协调机制,推动司法和行政执法两大保护模式协同运作。 强化行业协会和中介机构在品牌保护中的积极作用。 加强品牌监管,依法惩治假冒伪劣等侵犯品牌权益的违法行为,加大对品牌失信的处罚力度,建立品牌退出机制,打击品牌不正当竞争,营造公平竞争市场品牌茶企业的环境。

4、品牌激励和服务政策。 建议茶叶主产销区政府对当地综合性、专业性茶叶品牌实行分类分级的资金奖励制度,激发品牌创建动力。 获得国家品牌荣誉的,由省政府奖励;获得省级品牌荣誉的,由市政府奖励;获得市级品牌荣誉的,由县政府奖励;出口自主品牌的,由市政府奖励。并受到同级政府奖励。 支持和引导品牌茶企业参与国家重点研发计划,掌握关键技术和核心技术,推动技术融入品牌。 支持和推动一批具有自主知识产权的茶叶品牌“走出去”。 Promote tea enterprises to actively participate in brand value evaluation, and strive to create well-known Chinese brands and international famous brands. Use the government reputation platform to promote excellent brands, set up brand promotion columns, and organize various forms of special brand promotion activities.

5. Brand development and promotion policy. It is recommended that the governments of major tea production and marketing areas incorporate brand building into the "14th Five-Year Plan" for national economic and social development. Establish a backup resource pool for brand development and form a series of multi-level brand groups. Build a brand building echelon to promote the gathering of talents to the brand. Help enterprises strive to create brands, support local development of regional brands, and realize the leap from corporate brands, industry brands, and regional brands to national and world brands. Implement the "going out" strategy, organize and subsidize brand tea enterprises to participate in various exhibitions, support self-owned brand tea enterprises to set up sales stores nationwide, and encourage some tea enterprises with strong comprehensive strength to open brand management stores abroad. Encourage strong brand tea enterprises to merge and reorganize across regions, industries, and ownerships.

(4) Highlight the key tasks of brand building

1. Increase classification guidance. Classification guidance by product, enterprise, region and featured brand. Combined with the actual conditions of various places, a batch of key tea products with comparative advantages, independent brands and independent intellectual property rights, and strong competitiveness will be selected and included in the plan for key cultivation and guidance. For the main large-scale enterprises and enterprise groups in various places, the leaders and key enterprises of the advantageous product chain, according to the classification guidance and key cultivation of bigger and stronger type, growth type, and broad development prospect type. Comprehensively use economic, legal, administrative and other means to focus on cultivating a number of well-known tea brand enterprises and strive to build internationally renowned brands. Make full use of the favorable conditions brought by the industrial cluster effect and professional market effect for brand building, build regional brands, and lead the development of block economy. Strengthen the protection and integration of the origin of regional characteristic tea products, the protection and development of "time-honored brands", geographical indications and well-known brands, and enhance product value and market popularity.

2. Form a development echelon. Carry out value evaluation work such as well-known trademarks, famous trademarks, and geographical indications, quantify brand value, release brand value evaluation results, and position brand development levels. Carry out the enterprise publicity activities of "observing contracts and valuing credit" to guide enterprises to perform contracts in good faith and enhance social reputation. Cultivate a group of leading enterprises and backbone enterprises with high brand value and good development momentum to develop into internationally renowned brands and well-known Chinese brands. Support a group of small and medium-sized enterprises with good growth potential and high technical content to become specialized, refined, bigger and stronger. For regions with good policy environment and obvious characteristics of industrial agglomeration, create a group of modern tea industry cluster regional brands with outstanding regional characteristics, advanced quality standards, strong brand driving radiation effect, obvious agglomeration effect, and competitiveness, and form a brand development echelon. Explore the establishment of a national large database of tea brands, and dynamically monitor the development of tea brands by region and field.

3. Establish a joint release mechanism. Establish a joint brand release mechanism that is led by the government, responsible by departments, linked by enterprises, supported by the media, and participated by the public, and use activities such as National Brand Day, Consumer Rights Day, and special brand press conferences to increase brand publicity and promotion. Actively hold trade fairs, expositions, business meetings and other economic and trade activities that are conducive to brand promotion and display and business expansion, and support the selection of brand products that consumers love, so as to promote the brand and enhance brand value. Actively promote the activities of well-known tea brands to enter supermarkets, hotels, high-speed service areas, airport stations, and tourist attractions, and rely on key tea circulation enterprises to build famous tea exhibitions and famous tea exchanges to display brand products and increase popularity. Establish and improve the tea brand website and brand public service platform, and actively carry out brand promotion, protection and information services. To adapt to the rapid development of online shopping, vigorously develop tea e-commerce, actively set up tea online shopping malls, and promote online marketing of tea brand products. Strengthen the research and publicity of tea brand culture, and popularize brand culture in the whole society and enterprises. Make full use of radio, television, newspapers, the Internet and other media to increase publicity and guidance, enhance the quality awareness and brand awareness of the whole people, and create a good atmosphere for creating, using, loving and protecting brands.

4. Carry out analytical research. Led by industry organizations, promote industry-university-research cooperation, strengthen research, consultation, and evaluation of tea-related special brands, and improve the tea brand evaluation system, evaluation methods, and evaluation standards. Explore the establishment of a tea brand production mechanism based on consumer recognition and market competitiveness, effectively guide the brand building of tea companies, and enhance brand influence. Continue to carry out analysis and research on brand economic benefits, conduct regular surveys on brand satisfaction, popularity, and reputation, evaluate the effect of brand building implementation, and provide reference for the government to formulate policies. Continue to track the frontier trends of domestic and foreign brand development, carry out brand building environment assessments, brand building policy effect assessments, carry out regular and regional brand comparative studies, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for the development of tea brands in the industry.

5. Promote the international exchange and cooperation of tea brands. Guide and encourage qualified tea enterprises to strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in brand building, learn the brand management mechanism and brand building methods of successful international brand building enterprises; Provide more convenient and effective services in investment and financing, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, inspection and quarantine, and product customs clearance. Strengthen the protection and management of products, enterprises and regional brands in the process of joint ventures and cooperation, actively publicize my country's legal system related to brand building, and establish a mutual benefit and win-win mechanism. Take the method of combining going out and inviting in, and actively solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the process of brand internationalization for enterprises. Actively participate in brand-related activities organized by international and regional organizations, introduce well-known brand professional institutions at home and abroad to carry out work, vigorously cultivate brand professional talents, and improve brand building capabilities.

(5) Organizing and Implementing Suggestions

In order to ensure that the proposals of this plan are implemented effectively and truly help the development of tea industry brands in major tea production and sales areas, the following suggestions are hereby made:

1. Strengthen organization and coordination. It is recommended that the market supervision department, together with relevant departments, establish a mechanism for strengthening consultation and cooperation on brand building in accordance with the principle of "overall coordination, clear responsibilities, close cooperation, and comprehensive promotion", study and formulate policies and measures for brand building, and coordinate and guide brand building work. Regular meetings are held to strengthen the overall planning and organization and coordination of brand building work, and to study, solve and coordinate major issues. The people's governments and industry authorities in the major tea production and marketing areas should adhere to the principle of openness, fairness and justice in the process of promoting tea brand building, without charging any fees, and incorporate the tea brand building goals into the national economic development plan of the region according to the deployment and requirements. Strengthen policy guidance, formulate implementation plans, increase investment in tea brand building, and form a joint force for brand building.

2. Strengthen monitoring and evaluation. It is recommended that the people's governments and industry authorities in the major tea production and marketing areas should take the implementation of the tea brand building plan as a new driving force to promote the transformation and development of the local economy and improve quality and efficiency under the new normal situation of economic development and under the environment of law-based administration . Annual monitoring of the implementation of the brand building plan and mid-term evaluation of the brand building plan, implementation of the annual performance evaluation and end-of-term evaluation system for the various guarantee measures of brand building, give full play to the leverage of various supporting measures, and solve the problems found Take timely measures to solve the problem, so as to achieve practical results in all aspects of brand building.

3. Strengthen inspection and assessment. It is recommended that the people's governments and industry authorities in the main tea production and marketing areas establish a responsibility system for implementation, conduct strict inspection and assessment of the implementation, and include the promotion of brand building planning into the assessment of quality and brand upgrading.

