- 发表时间:2023-08-24 11:04:12
- 标签:特制订20--年度海盐县农业招商引资工作方案
产业园区招商计划集中实施阶段结束后,并不是园区招商计划全过程的结束,更不是产业园区招商计划的终止。 要圆满地完成整个策划工作,还有一个不可或缺的程序——方案跟踪与反馈。 跟进得好,就能巩固和扩大招商会的成果,达到事半功倍的效果; 如果不有效跟进,之前的所有努力都可能付诸东流。 因此,规划者应高度重视规划的跟踪和反馈。
一是主动征求、收集外方(其他方)对整个招商计划(如招商协会)的意见。 在外商或其他人眼中,这次招商活动的成功之处在哪里? 哪些地方需要改进和关注? 通过收集这些反馈,我们可以更好地了解类似的招商计划,并制定今后的招商计划。 借鉴自。
二是要持续跟踪招商活动中捕捉到的信息,与新的外商保持联系,以免招商会一结束,信息和联系就结束了。 对有意向的合作项目,要创造条件,督促其在计划实施后尽快签约。
力争实际使用境内外资本(实际内资、实际使用外资)2.3亿元,境内外注册资本(内资增加注册资本、合同使用外资)2.3亿元9600万元; 完善多元化农业投入机制,加大县域资金对县域农业的投入力度,力争全县农业生产投资3.6亿元。
2、围绕五个主导产业开展招商引资,大力发展果蔬等设施农业; 积极推进生态畜牧渔业基地和优质蚕桑基地建设。 引进投资少、能耗低、污染少的循环农业项目。
3、围绕三大新兴产业开展招商引资,发展旅游、文化娱乐、劳动实践为一体的休闲观光农业; 大力发展农产品加工业,重点引进深加工企业,鼓励现有农产品加工企业通过引进资金等方式拓展加工领域,扩大生产规模; 积极发展以生鲜农产品配送、批发、销售为主的现代农业物流企业,进一步拓展农产品流通渠道。 加大对芦荟、野鸭、澳洲淡水龙虾等特色养殖产业的支持力度,培育和促进海盐特色农业产业发展,促进一二三产业融合。
1.开展长期招商引资。 抽调人员组成小分队赴厦门、昆山招商引资、宣传推介海盐农业,并与台商签约相关项目。 各乡镇(街道)要结合当地农业特点,派出小分队到重点地区招商引资。
2.组织开展专项招商引资。 结合“沪杭甬”同城战略实施,将在周边重点农产品销售城市举办系列专题招商活动,重点展示推介海盐优质农产品和农业招商引资项目。
3、利用节庆招商。 依托海盐特色农产品,举办各类农产品节,通过节庆活动吸引外商来海盐参观投资。
4、利用展会招商。 积极参加省内外各类展会,精心组织招商活动。 组织龙头企业、专业合作社等市场主体参加国家、省、市组织的各类农产品展销活动,并以展会为契机,举办有针对性的招商活动,大力推广海盐农业、增进与外商的交流和互信。
5.“利用企业招商引资”投资。 积极搭建各类招商平台,支持和帮助农业企业自主开展招商活动,积极引进县外项目和资金,提高自主创新能力,促进产业链向两端延伸、价值链延伸攀登至高端。
6.“引进来”招商引资。 充分利用海外盐人的人脉资源,动员他们成为农业招商引资或回乡创业的桥梁,通过各种交流联谊活动,实现“引进来”。
注重项目包装的前瞻性。 根据“153”农业产业发展规划和“2650”园区建设目标,研究产业现状,在市场调研和可行性研究的基础上,选择能够支撑或带动农业产业提升的突破点。产业链和产业集群的拓展,努力使项目包装具有前瞻性和战略性; 提高项目包装吸引力,加强农业投资项目库管理,进一步挖掘农业投资资源,不断丰富和完善投资项目库,努力使投资项目满足不同时间、不同场合、不同投资者的需求、提高农业招商引资的针对性和实效性。
(一)突出镇(街道)主体作用。 镇(街道)是农业招商引资工作的主体。 把农业招商引资工作列入重要议事日程,主要领导亲自挂帅,落实责任领导,配备强大力量,营造环境,安排资金。 要细化规划,明确目标,做好农业招商引资工作。 要成立招商引资专班,提供全方位、全天候、全流程跟踪服务,为引进企业发展提供人才、技术、融资、政策等方面的支持和服务和项目实施。
(二)制定目标任务,强化工作考核。 该县现代农业招商工作小组将20xx年全县农业招商目标任务分解到各镇(街道),进一步加强对全县农业招商工作的考核。 年末召开招商引资工作总结表彰大会,对工作突出的单位和个人进行表彰。
(三)加强工作指导,做好进度统计。 建立镇(街道)招商工作例会制度,每月召开会议,及时交流经验,加强工作指导。 同时,各镇(街道)每月对招商引资工作目标任务完成情况进行统计并及时反馈,帮助各镇(街道)及时掌握工作进展情况。
(四)夯实基础,提供保障。 加快“2650”现代农业园区建设,加强园区土地流转工作,为农业招商引资提供基础平台; 认真落实,提供农业招商引资政策支持; 鼓励各级农业招商人员参加各类招商培训,不断提高招商引资工作的能力和水平。 县、镇(街道)财政要安排专项资金,为全县农业招商引资工作提供财政保障,确保农业招商引资工作顺利开展。
紧紧围绕州委、州政府“工业强国”发展战略和做强核心区、带动功能区的思路,按照以资源规划、以规划项目的原则,突出特色、优化结构,加快循环经济产业基地建设,大力引进符合我区产业规划和资源优先开发的较大规模项目,特别注重引进资源消耗低、成本低的工业项目。环境污染少、产业关联度高、效益长远,适当发展服务业和房地产经济。 切实提高招商引资项目质量和资金到位率,大力加强投资环境建设,营造亲商、招商、保障、富商的良好氛围。 20xx年实现协议引资6亿元目标,力争实现引资资金(含续建项目)3亿元目标。
1. 20__年投资及协调服务项目
①协助黔东热电厂一期工程(2×60万千瓦)项目通过国家有关部门的审批服务工作以及电厂二期工程开车的协调服务工作; 干法水泥生产线项目及配套产业链包装厂等项目的引进、协调服务和建设; ③做好年产80万吨林业浆纸一体化项目实施及前期工作和配套产业链卫星项目投资工作的协调; ④做好黔东工业区路网建设(长10公里、宽36米的城市主干道建设项目和建设项目)的项目融资和招商工作。工业主干道长6公里,宽26米); ⑤完成黔东循环经济产业基地发展规划补充规划,力争4月底前提交规划成果; ⑥跟踪多晶硅、镍铁合金、高钛铁合金生产及实木复合地板综合开发等项目,力争尽快签订合同结算; ⑦根据工业区产业发展规划和布局,做好各工业区、园区、功能区招商引资的协调服务和项目准入结算;
4、加强工业区对外宣传,搭建工业区网上招商平台。 力争今年6月底开通招商网站,同时在多层次媒体上宣传工业区各项工作进展,提高和扩大知名度和美誉度。
明确“奋斗百天,实现双突破”的工作目标,力争完成新签合同外资2.4亿美元,确保实际利用外资1.5亿美元; 落实外资项目信息5亿美元,其中2000万美元以上项目10余个; 落实内资项目信息20亿元,其中亿元以上项目10余个。
总投资1000万美元以上的外资项目均由专人负责实施。 2000万美元以上的项目将由局主要领导跟进。 在项目洽谈、意向签订、项目立项等阶段,要向县领导和主管部门汇报,以利于优势项目落户和资源保障。
为更好地服务各乡镇,建立局领导与招商引资主体联动制度。 丁丙龙联系姚庄镇、西塘镇,陈世伟联系渭塘镇、大运镇、红溪镇,高奇联系丁扎镇、甘窑镇,苏振联联系开发区、天宁镇,马丰源联系惠民镇、杨庙镇,陶庄镇。 各相应部门人员重点联系各主体,在服务投资主体和企业时,做到各部门分工明确、分工协作,齐心协力攻坚克难。
新编制的招商引资手册对2009年7月编制的《招商引资手册》进行了修订。由于时间的推移和政策的变化,原来的《招商引资手册》已不再适合今天的工作。 为更好落实县委、县政府对招商引资工作的要求,要积极联系县有关部门对招商引资手册进行增删。 整齐的。
参与日常重大项目的谈判和协调。 根据我局在全县招商引资工作中的职责和义务,根据项目的规模、影响、特殊性以及相关投资主体的要求,参与项目谈判和协调。
积极参与百日活动通报会的准备工作。 及时挖掘“奋战百日实现双突破”行动中的先进典型案例和典型人物并进行报道宣传,营造招商引资、竞相追逐的氛围。
开展“民企联动、内外资共赢”活动。 准备4月中旬至12月开展此项活动。 通过民营企业与外资企业座谈、交流、参观、招商引资等活动,企业主可以进一步了解各方需求,充分发挥我县民营企业和外资企业的各自优势,学习借鉴彼此之间,实现多种形式的合作,最终达到双赢的目标。
在3月份招商活动月取得成绩的基础上,我们将用100天的时间,巩固和发展新的成果。 要梳理现有信息,对重点项目进行回访,以达到尽快落户的目的。 进一步开展产业招商活动和区域招商活动。 4月,将举办广东电子、机械产业小型招商招待会。 5月,第二届产业投资促进会在上海召开。
服务业商人协会。 4月初,上海服务业客商受邀参观活动。
继续做好招商网的日常管理和维护工作,不断更新网页信息。 全县重大招商引资活动情况报告。 不断扩大在市、省、全国乃至全球的知名度。
3.尽快推动已核准和未核准项目的注册资本化。 对已签约但未核准的项目,立即办理核准手续。
为贯彻落实全市招商引资工作部署安排,保质保量完成市委、市政府下达的招商引资目标任务,扎实推进全市招商引资“奋斗目标”稳步实施现制定当阳市质量技术监督局招商引资工作实施细则。 计划。
紧紧围绕“工业强市”战略,大力推进招商引资“争高工程”实施,结合全市产业发展和产业集群创建战略规划渠道招商策划,积极开展招商引资“争高工程”。做好招商引资工作,积极创新招商引资方式,不断拓展招商引资领域。 质量技术监督工作求真务实,充分发挥技术支撑作用,不断提高优质服务水平,力争在推动招商工作和服务招商引资项目方面实现“双提升”,为推动全市经济社会跨越式发展。
(一)明确招商引资重点。 结合当阳区位、交通、文化底蕴、能源资源和产业发展等优势,充分提炼和凝聚当阳特色,积极打造当阳品牌,围绕化工、建材、食品、纺织等支柱产业和重点集群,认真招商引资,积极对外推介当阳,大力吸引社会各界人士到当阳兴业投资兴业。
(二)大力搭建招商平台。 巧用行业协会、商会等平台,大力开展招商引资工作。 与市内外行业协会、商会充分沟通,掌握产业发展趋势和企业投资需求,高效快速对接全市产业园区规划和招商引资项目。 搭建广泛掌握投资者信息、互动交流的平台,利用企业资源和投资需求,积极有效地与我市企业对接。
(三)不断拓宽投资渠道。 充分发挥招商引资领导小组作用。 主要领导亲自带队,招募人员要带头项目、结成合作伙伴、吸引资金。 Investment promotion personnel should adopt the method of "fixing, arranging, connecting and attracting" to go out to attract investment, and the overall situation should provide the resources, market, environment and other guarantees required for negotiating projects, and effectively provide full service for the introduction of funds and landing projects. In addition, it is also necessary to give full play to the advantages of modern networks, strengthen cooperation with emerging media, expand influence, promote projects, and strengthen the effect of investment promotion.
(4) Give full play to the service advantages of the department. Combined with the industry characteristics and industrial characteristics of our city, actively perform the duties of the quality and technical supervision department, vigorously promote the service enterprise development work system such as the first inquiry responsibility system, the social service commitment system and the completion system, actively provide investment project services, and realize the service in investment promotion , Investment in the service. Effectively provide a project landing platform, conscientiously implement and honor the city's various preferential policies on service investment attraction projects, focus on improving service quality, continuously streamline procedures, and strive to establish and improve our bureau's investment attraction service support system.
5. Rewards
In order to effectively and fully create a strong atmosphere of "extensive investment promotion and concerted investment promotion", and vigorously mobilize the enthusiasm of the overall cadres and workers and people from all walks of life to attract investment, the Dangyang Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau has formulated the investment promotion incentives as follows:
(1) Reward objects. Global cadres and workers and people from all walks of life.
(2) Reward measures. Corresponding rewards will be given to those who have made significant contributions to our bureau's investment promotion work. For all investment promotion projects that have introduced an investment of more than 50 million yuan and successfully settled down (formally signed a contract with the municipal government), in addition to cashing in the investment promotion bonus rewarded by the municipal government, our bureau will separately allocate a certain proportion of funds to give simultaneous rewards. For the cadres and workers of the units who have made special contributions in the process of attracting investment, our bureau will also give priority to or actively recommend in terms of evaluation, promotion and reuse.
(3) Special instructions. If outsiders or units make contributions to our bureau's investment promotion work, the reward standards and implementation procedures shall be implemented in accordance with this method.
Planning activities and investment promotion plan 8
In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the document, ensure the completion of the tasks of the Gaohu Town Industrial Investment Promotion Conference issued by the county in 20xx, and focus on improving the quality and level of investment promotion, the town party committee and government research and decision, organize the "Industrial Investment Promotion Conference" within the town Activity. In order to ensure the actual effect of the activities, an implementation plan is specially formulated.
Key points and objectives
Focus on the two major industries of cemented carbide and green lighting, concentrate on tackling key problems, carry out industrial investment promotion, large-scale project investment promotion, and accelerate project implementation. Focusing on investment promotion and key investment promotion in Zhongshan of Guangdong, Wenzhou of Zhejiang, Yueqing, Xiamen of Fujian, and Changzhutan of Hunan, and strives to strengthen cooperation with local enterprises, expand industrial supporting extension, and undertake industrial transfer to make a difference. In order to achieve 3 contracted introduction projects, 2 projects to be launched, 1 project to be completed and put into operation, and 12 pieces of effective investment information for industrial projects to be collected throughout the year.
In order to ensure the completion of the investment promotion task in 20__, the leading group and investment promotion team of Gaohu Town Industrial Investment Promotion Conference were established:
(1) Leading group
An office under the leading group is responsible for the specific daily work and unified organization and arrangement. Comrade Xiao Dong concurrently serves as the director of the office, and the members are composed of Tu Bin, Zhao Qianying, Deng Qianhong, Fan Renjin, Guyi, Wang Weijia, Shu Xiaolan, Zhang Huowen, Nie Yu, and Qiu Zhenxing. They are responsible for information collection and submission, progress statistics and reporting, docking and tracking services, etc. Relevant coordination work, strengthen the unified organization and implementation of investment promotion work, and coordinate related work.
(2) Investment Promotion Squad
progress requirements
The whole town must create a good atmosphere for attracting investment from all the people and secure business, seize opportunities, implement a reverse mechanism of goals and tasks, and earnestly fight the tough battle for industrial investment.
Progress requirements for the first quarter (January-March): First, follow up the existing investment leads to make the investment intentions of merchants clearer; focus on connecting the cemented carbide tool industry base in Furong Town, Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province to the Gaohu Town industry Undertake the transfer and strengthen the relationship between enterprises and merchants. At the same time, the pre-coordination and preparation work was made for the county to go to Yueqing in March to hold a promotion meeting for the cemented carbide tool industry. The second is to take advantage of the good time during the Spring Festival, when business workers who go out to return to their hometowns and go out to visit relatives and friends, to carry out extensive investment information collection. The third is to actively organize and carry out professional investment promotion activities to ensure the completion of more than 3 pieces of valuable information collection, and implement outbound investment promotion, and complete 1-2 project intentional investment agreements.
Progress requirements for the second quarter (April-June): First, launch a summer offensive for industrial investment promotion. The investment promotion team will be stationed in key areas to attract investment, complete 1 contracted introduction project, and collect 3 pieces of effective information; Our county organized a trip to Guangdong Zhongshan Guzhen to hold a green lighting industry project promotion conference. Strive to reach 1-2 project investment intentions; the third is to organize 1-2 investment projects in June to participate in the centralized signing activities.
Progress requirements for the third quarter (July-September): First, continue to promote industrial investment promotion, strengthen project implementation and start construction, and strive to complete 1 contracted introduction project, 1 start-up project, and collect 2 valid information; second, go to key investment promotion areas in August Conduct a project promotion meeting; the third is to organize more than 1 new project merchants to participate in the county-wide project intensive start-up activities in September.
Progress requirements for the fourth quarter (October-December): First, pay close attention to the start of the project, continue to focus on the introduction of projects, and strive to achieve 1 contracted introduction project, 1 construction start, 1 completion and production, and 3 effective information collections to ensure Complete the annual industrial investment promotion goals and tasks; second, carry out a foreign investment promotion activity in October, organize relevant projects to participate in the county industrial park project's centralized start-up activities in November, and promote the landing and commissioning of the contracted projects in December.
Promotional measures
1. Leading high-level advancement. In accordance with the target task of attracting investment throughout the year, we will continue to adhere to the responsibility system of top leaders, and earnestly do a good job in industrial investment promotion activities. First, under the leadership of the main leaders, the two investment promotion teams will take turns to go out to attract investment at fixed points, and focus on major industrial projects for no less than one month; the second is to implement the project responsibility system, with one team for each project docking, coordinating and contacting As soon as the construction starts, each piece of information will be specifically contacted with the leader and work contact person. The contact leader is responsible for implementing the entire process from signing the contract to the completion of the project. The contact person is mainly responsible for the usual services, reception, contact, etc., so as to realize the early implementation of the project, Early start, early production, early results.
2. Optimize the environment and advance. The first is to firmly establish the concept of "pro-business, safe business, and wealthy businessmen", strive to optimize the investment environment, accept and deal with investors' help and consultation in a timely manner, and establish a working mechanism that responds to complaints, handles things, and helps in difficulties; Implement one-stop service for new projects, and pursue the principle that as long as you invest, I will handle the procedures; the third is to solve various problems encountered by merchants in production and life in a timely manner, and continuously enhance the initiative to optimize the investment environment. Positivity, creativity.
3. To expand the field of investment promotion. One is to take the initiative to attack, open doors, and carry out all-round investment promotion work, and carry out investment promotion activities through door-to-door investment promotion, industrial investment promotion, festival investment promotion, and industrial chain investment promotion; the second is to highlight key investment promotion areas to introduce green lighting, Carbide, tourism projects, and upstream and downstream supporting projects of industrial circulation projects are the focus; the third is to do a good job in contacting local successful people who go out, establish rich investment information through multiple channels, and broaden investment channels.
4. Implement regular meeting scheduling and promotion. One is to hold a regular meeting of the leading group every month to report the progress of the investment promotion work in the previous stage, and to report the situation to the county industry investment leading group office in a timely manner; second, the leading group office supervises each project every month and fills in the project Advance the situation table, do a good job of quarterly work summary, and report to the county leading group in time.
5. Policy incentives to advance.One is to strictly implement the preferential measures for merchants investing in the two major industrial bases of cemented carbide tools and green lighting formulated by the county party committee and the county government, and cash in on the two major industrial projects introduced in terms of financial support, fee reduction, water and electricity, and priority construction sites. Preferential policies and preferential measures for major projects implement the spirit of "one matter, one discussion".
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