当前位置: 首页 > 团队展示 > 2017年开封市对外开放和招商引资工作目标完成情况

根据市委、市政府《关于进一步加强招商引资工作的意见》和《开封市招商引资目标管理考核奖励办法》规定,2017年12月21日至12月28日,张志超副主任市人大常委会主任、市政府副市长张松文、市政协副主席陶树杰组成由市委、市政府监察局、市监察局等人员组成的联合考核组市政府办公厅、市商务局等部门,围绕全市2017年招商引资工作,对下半年5000万元以上项目和续建项目,通过第一次听证会等方式进行了认真考核,第二次调查、第三次检查、第四次评估。 现将评审情况通知如下:



经考核组审查确定,2017年,三县六区共引进市外资金603.8亿元,占全县年度目标任务564亿元的107.1%,其中,新开工项目到位资金329.2亿元(5000万元),318.4亿元以上项目到位资金318.4亿元,5000万元以下项目到位资金10.8亿元,新开工项目到位资金274.6亿元。持续推进项目建设,全面完成全市目标任务。 引进省外资金完成515.2亿元,同比增长8.1%(高于全省平均增幅0.2个百分点),位居全省第9位,占全省的101%全年目标任务510.1亿元,总量位居全省第一。 全省第七。 市属单位累计引进市外资金31.2亿元,占全市全年任务29.7亿元的105%。









(一)工业项目83个,占项目总数的44.1%; 总投资225.7亿元,到位资金98.5亿元,占5000万元以上项目到位资金的30.9%。

(二)商业项目36个,占项目总数的19.1%; 总投资141.9亿元,到位资金67.5亿元,占5000万元以上项目到位资金的21.2%。

(三)房地产项目40个,占项目总数的21.3%; 总投资246.1亿元,到位资金120.7亿元,占5000万元以上项目到位资金的37.9%。

(四)文化旅游项目5个,占项目总数的2.7%; 总投资21.1亿元,到位资金9.3亿元,占5000万元以上项目到位资金的2.9%。

(五)农业产业化项目9个,占项目总数的4.8%; 总投资10.5亿元,到位资金6.1亿元,占5000万元以上项目到位资金的2%。

(六)物流项目6个,占项目总数的3.2%; 总投资7.3亿元,到位资金4.7亿元,占5000万元以上项目到位资金的1.5%。

(七)基础设施项目8个,占项目总数的4.3%; 总投资15.2亿元,到位资金8.9亿元,占5000万元以上项目到位资金的2.8%。


(八)电子商务项目1个,占项目总数的0.5%; 总投资8亿元,到位资金2.7亿元,占5000万元以上项目到位资金的0.8%。


2017年,全市新设立外商投资企业13家,位居全省第三; 实际使用外资61179万美元,首次突破6亿美元大关,提前一个月完成节约利用外资目标。 节能目标完成102.1%,位居全省第四,同比增长2.1%,位居全省第四。


2017年,开封市进出口总额314471万元,同比增长32.5%。 其中,出口292214万元深圳市招商外包,同比增长35.4%,进口22257万元,同比增长3%。 进出口完成目标进度115.1%,比目标进度高出15.1个百分点。 按照目标进度完成情况,在全省18个地市中排名第9位。 进出口增速均居全省第二位。


2017年,开封市完成对外承包工程和对外劳务合作总营业额8589.2万美元,完成目标101.8%,提前三个月超额完成节约目标,同比增长10% -年。 出国劳务1987人次,同比增长27.3%。



2017年,我市新开工亿元以上项目148个,新到位资金296.6元。 各县区结合各自主导产业和自身发展方向,引进了一批大项目。 例如,杞县引进了年产7万吨塑钢型材项目、昆森木业项目、西朝型材二期项目、金刚线切割项目、新泰百货项目等。 通许县引进东汽新能源汽车产业项目、联合木制品产业园项目、远大木业项目、弹簧沙发生产项目、关注办公家具生产项目。 尉氏县引进港东高新技术创业园项目、瑞华、中大松医疗科技产业园项目、智友健康产业项目、中博健康医疗器械产业园项目、新中盟健康医疗器械产业园项目、凯兴汽车零部件生产项目。 相府区引进宝冶城市综合体项目、天下石文化产业园项目、中宇高新材料生产项目、榆次电子元件生产项目、宜都商业城项目。 城乡一体化示范区引进了万达城市广场项目、大洪喜来登酒店项目、绿地中央创客世界项目、美卓商业广场项目、智能大马力拖拉机项目、松都紫薇花园项目、希尔顿汉普顿酒店项目。 鼓楼区引进万博哥伦布广场商业项目和河南瑞通排灌设备二期建设项目。 龙亭区引进了天河中药研发基地项目、丹尼斯购物中心项目、泰邦养老项目。 顺河回族区引进2.5万吨电极石墨生产加工项目和东区地热开发项目。 禹王台区引进开封长盛国际商贸城项目,年产12万吨苯酐项目、年产5000吨水性环保复合材料项目、年产10万吨水性环保复合材料项目年产5万吨磷酸铁、年产2万吨磷酸铁锂项目。


2017年,全市续建5000万元以上项目217个,后续资金总计274.6亿元。 一批续建项目正在快速推进。 例如,杞县引进的昆森木业项目厂房、办公楼、宿舍等已竣工,目前正在安装设备。 一品汽车商贸城项目和天冠铝业项目建设厂房和办公楼。 通许县引进的官渡生物制药项目四栋厂房已竣工,一栋厂房主体钢结构正在施工,地面已硬化。 尉氏县引进的“耐驰”绿色胶带科技园项目主办公楼、展厅及三栋厂房竣工,20万锭高档精梳紧密纺差别化纤维项目主办公楼及宿舍楼竣工已竣工,内、外墙正在建设中。 二号车间装修装修全部完成,车间设备安装完成。 相府区引进的民商食品科技产业园项目主体厂房工程正在建设中,设备已订购。 城乡一体化示范区引进的盛达电机制造项目2号、3号车间已封顶,宏景药业项目主体工程已完成,正在进行内外装修。 鼓楼区引进的鼓楼里项目主体工程已封顶,内部装修及对外招商正在进行中,天地药业有限公司厂房已竣工。 龙亭区引进的西关北街商业综合体项目其中一栋已建至五层,其余24栋正在整体开挖堆放。 顺河回族区引进的双龙巷历史文化街区整治工程20余个院落土地平整工作已完成,8号院落成。 目前,7号、9号、21号、22号、23号正在建设中,地下室正在建设中。 、神华汽博园项目一期首批4S店及园区基础设施正在建设中。 禹王台区引进的开封长盛国际商贸城项目一期部分已封顶。 年产5万吨磷酸铁和年产2万吨磷酸铁锂两个车间已建成,目前正在安装设备。


全市重点推动招商引资项目实施,推动签约项目早开工、早达产、早见效,一批项目建成投产或开业。 如城乡一体化示范区引进的汇德汽车配件项目、华昌农机配件项目、源创汽车配件项目、瑞赛汽车配件项目、泰丰生物制剂生产项目已建成投产,永济水世界室内馆项目、莱旺达酒店项目已投入运营。 杞县引进的泰昌速冻食品项目、磐安食品科研项目、年产70万吨猪饲料项目已建成投产。 通许县引进的弹簧沙发生产项目、远大木业项目已投产。 尉氏县引进的立邦中国集团中原区域生产基地建设项目、开封凯兴汽车零部件有限公司汽车零部件生产项目、世昌玻璃制品有限公司年产450万吨玻璃制品已完成并开始试生产。 相府区引进的中宇高新材料生产项目和大丰粮油深加工项目已建成并准备试生产。 鼓楼区引进的万博哥伦布广场商业项目、鼓楼美食城项目已建成投入运营。 龙亭区引进的丹尼斯购物中心项目、泰邦养老项目、万寿山大型实景演出项目已开始投入运营。 顺河回族区引进的东区地热开发项目已投入试运行,年产1500吨EPP汽车零部件项目已投产。 禹王台区引进的年产3万吨邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)项目、年产1万吨化学中间体项目、癸二酸生产项目已建成投产。



市委、市政府坚持把开放招商作为促进经济发展的首要任务。 连续几年春节后召开全市开放工作会议,总结工作,表彰先进,安排部署年度工作,有针对性地印发了《关于开放工作安排的意见》等全市文件《对外开放和招商引资行动计划》、《对外开放责任目标》等,对对外开放招商引资、外贸等先进单位进行了奖励,充分调动了广大干部的积极性坚持高级人才参与,重点产业集中招商常态化,全市坚持“高级人才参战、高层次提升” ”,市委、市政府主要领导亲自带队赴海南、广东、上海、北京等地开展小团队招商引资,积极招商引资,积极对接洽谈项目、合作交流恒大集团、中关村软件园、北京文化创新工场、香港梨园集团、中铁联运有限公司、中船阳光投资发展有限公司、华夏幸福置地发展有限公司等一大批多家企事业单位达成合作意向。 今年以来,市领导带队招商引资100余次,全市累计外出招商引资320余批。


中国(河南)自由贸易试验区开封片区正式获批。 开封已从一座内陆古城一跃成为改革开放的前沿阵地。 围绕加快投资贸易便利化进程,注重制度创新,在全国率先实施“22证合一”,并在此基础上实施“35证合一”,缩短审批时限3个工作日内,形成62个创新典型案例等,得到李克强总理的高度肯定和赞扬,自贸区开放对经济发展的“磁吸”效应不断增强,奠定了开封对外开放的后发优势,自今年4月1日自贸区开放以来,已有2100多家新企业落户开封片区,新增注册资本500亿元,其中国际、国内500强企业20余家,亿元以上企业59家,10亿元以上企业8家,外资企业18家。 全面启动开封口岸工作,协调海关、商检在开封设立办事处,扎实完成综合保税物流中心建设申报,积极推进跨境电子商务平台建设。 开封被省政府纳入中国(郑州)跨境电子商务试验区扩市,开封电子商务产业园获批省级跨境电子商务示范园区。 杞县、尉氏县先后被确定为河南省电子商务引进示范县。



按照“气氛更浓、主题突出、方式务实、效果最好”的宗旨,将活动改为策划活动,努力提高招商引资实效。 积极组织和参加省政府等上级举办的中国(河南)国际投资贸易洽谈会各类招商活动,成功举办2017年清明文化节中国(河南)自由贸易试验区开封片区管委会揭牌仪式2017中国(开封)菊花文化节项目签约仪式、第35届菊花文化节城市说明会、保税区开封片区推介暨项目签约仪式; 借助山东省河南商会、厦门市商会联谊会、上海开封商会成立大会等平台,举办开封市投资推介会。 截至目前,已与山东省河南商会、厦门河南商会、犀牛俱乐部(北京)信息技术有限公司上海分会、中国深圳市安防行业协会签署招商战略合作协议电子企业协会等商协会,成立了商务推广联络处。 成功举办第二届汴商大会暨全球汴商发展高峰论坛,旨在凝聚汴商力量,推动家乡发展,征集投资线索280余个,对接项目160余个。 今年以来深圳市招商外包,市级以上招商引资活动共签约招商项目163个,总投资1410亿元,创历史新高。


围绕打造开放高地和政策洼地,《开封市补齐招商引资短板规划》、《开封市补齐外向型经济发展短板专项实施方案》、《建设开封内陆开放型城市高地先行区实施方案《方案》、《开封市发展服务外包产业行动计划(2017-2020年)》等政策文件;着力推动大范围开放,在补足开放和项目短板的基础上,商务、发展改革、金融、卫生、交通、民政等十二部门出台补短板专项规划,形成补短板“1+13”政策体系,进一步构建产业补短板新格局各部门结合本单位职能,立足开放服务投资短板、一线投资。 例如,金融办积极实施“引金入汴”,成功引入郑州银行等金融机构; 农林局积极组织参与农产品推介活动。 合同金额2520万元。 文化园广泛寻求合作伙伴,推动重大项目签约实施,与河南报业集团、兰城房地产建设管理集团签署合作协议,共同开发建设文化艺术品交易中心、根悦水系一期等项目; 介绍 北京老舍茶馆、深圳自在工坊等多家非遗经营单位入驻开封960非遗文化创意园; 2017年,文广新局完成国家级立项和城际项目审批。


围绕重点产业,重点扶持主导产业、引领配套产业,积极引进高端产业和高端产品,对产业链缺失环节进行招商引资。 围绕生物医药产业,尉氏县新引进了新中盟健康医疗装备项目和中博健康医疗装备产业园项目,年加工能力3.6万吨各类催化剂项目。 禹王台区引进年产459吨(7类)医药中间体项目; 聚焦新能源新材料,杞县新引进横店东磁金刚线切割项目和热镀锌项目,禹王台区引进年产5万吨磷酸铁、年产2万吨锂铁项目磷酸盐生产项目; 新引进汽车及汽配示范区周边汇德汽配、华昌农机配件、远创汽配、瑞赛汽配项目,引进顺河回汇区年产1500吨EPP汽配生产项目。 示范区围绕文化旅游和新业态,引进了恒大儿童世界、绿地中央创客世界、恒大酒吧街、万达城市广场、大宏喜来登酒店等项目。杞县引进了新泰百货、北京华联鼓楼区百货项目大力开展商业推广,通过万博广场成功引进星巴克咖啡、考拉探险、潘多拉餐饮等众多知名品牌; 围绕“互联网+”,介绍了杭州快到网、京东电商孵化培训中心、韩国成均集团等多家知名电商企业。


为加快招商引资项目引进和落实,坚持用好招商引资“六个机制”,不断完善“五个一”跟踪服务机制,实行分类台账管理、市县联动、项目动态监测,全力促进承包项目早实施、已实施项目早开工,进一步强化定期评估通报制度和督促督导制度。 在自贸试验区项目建设中,突出顶层设计为引领,主要牵头的自贸试验区开封片区建设联席会议制度和项目论证委员会制度市领导班子相继成立。 38个市直相关部门负责人为成员。 召开14次例会,统筹推进全市自贸区重大改革,探索形成完善的企业投资项目承诺制审批、监管和服务体系,对恒大一二级等4个项目开展试点学校运行良好,进展顺利。 今年以来,省委、省政府对我市招商引资工作开放情况进行了两次评估检查,对列入全省重点招商引资项目进行了现场观摩和指导。 2016年市级以上招商引资活动签约项目,并与汴州投资企业代表就开放招商、项目建设等工作进行座谈,得到了市局评估检查组的一致肯定省委、省政府。


2017年,开封市虽然完成了各项招商引资目标任务,但整体招商氛围还不够浓厚,大好项目少。 各地招商引资竞争加剧,招商引资工作难度加大。 普遍认为,来汴考察的企业明显减少,来汴投资考察的外资企业也明显减少。 二是思想不够解放。 与周边地市相比,我市的招商政策吸引力还不是很大。 例如,安阳、商丘等兄弟城市在土地、税收、补贴等方面都有明确的规定。 对招商引资企业提供优惠政策,对招商引资做出贡献的单位和人员给予重奖。 三是服务意识不强,表现为服务滞后、审批滞后、项目实施困难等。 特别是工业项目审批手续过多、速度过慢、效率不高、服务不好、缺乏灵活性,严重影响项目进度。 四是限制因素增多。 土地指标、环境容量仍然是影响项目建设的制约因素,用工难、用工贵问题日益突出。 大气污染防治和封地行动客观上影响了投资项目的落地和建设。 五是自贸区开放平台有待进一步完善,海关、商检、综合保税区等投资贸易便利化平台有待加快建设。 六是一些县区对招商引资工作重视不够、投入不够,影响招商引资效果。



特点:汽车产业链招商引资持续增长。 汇德汽配、华昌农机配件、远创汽配、瑞赛汽配、开封长晶汽配等一批新项目落地。 汽车及零部件企业总数超过90家,投资规模150亿元,产业集群规模进一步扩大; 围绕文化旅游新推出恒大儿童世界项目,拓展了城市框架,进一步聚集了新区活力。 大宏喜来登酒店项目、科大商务楼项目、千宏广场项目、海汇中心项目等项目基本封顶,建筑总部经济初显; 大力推进新业态招商引资,绿地中央创客世界、永吉水世界室内馆、恒大酒吧街、美卓商业广场、万达城市广场等项目建设加快,提高了生产承载能力示范区生活服务业。

Suggestions: First, around the industrial function layout of the Henan Free Trade Zone (Kaifeng Area), vigorously carry out investment promotion, and rely on projects to consolidate the industrial foundation of the Free Trade Zone. The second is to increase the introduction of auto parts, biomedicine, and high-end equipment manufacturing production-oriented industrial projects to enhance the development potential; the third is to take the construction of a national e-commerce demonstration base as the leader, and vigorously introduce well-known commercial brands, e-commerce, modern finance, etc. A new type of commercial business, focusing on the development of the headquarters economy. The fourth is to build a maker gathering platform, a financial service platform, and a research and development support platform with the CBD business center as the core, attracting "makers", cultivating a maker space, and creating a "double innovation" vitality zone.

(2) Weishi County

Features: Focusing on "one district, two parks" to attract investment and achieve multi-point flowering. Turning the pressure of environmental protection into the driving force for industrial transformation and development, traditional industries such as Weichuan, Zhangshi metal materials, and cooked leather processing have newly introduced the project of processing 18 million pieces of cattle and sheep leather annually, and the aluminum alloy casting industry of Yilu through technological transformation and strong alliances. Casting production projects, annual processing of 36,000 tons of various catalysts and metal waste projects; continue to expand and strengthen the modern home furnishing industry, newly introduced production projects with an annual output of 20,000 sets of suite furniture and Megalo high-end furniture, and settled in a total of 40 furniture and home furnishing production enterprises A number of companies; taking advantage of the traditional textile and garment industry, newly introduced projects such as Jiuyuan Textile and Panxin Textile; planning to cultivate emerging industries of health care, and introduced Henan Zhiyou Health Industry Project, Zhongbo Health Medical Equipment Industrial Park Project, Uwo The medical electronic equipment project of Medical Technology Co., Ltd., the Youde Medical Device Science and Technology Park project, and a number of health and medical device projects settled in the park.

Suggestions: First, relying on the traditional advantageous industries such as the original textile and leather industries, intensify technological transformation efforts, and vigorously introduce well-known brands and industrial supporting projects. The second is to focus on the introduction of high-end furniture production flagship enterprises, increase the introduction of the entire industrial chain of modern home furnishing, and build a modern home furnishing industry base. The third is to focus on the construction of the "open port economic belt", focus on the introduction of high value-added and high-tech enterprises, and focus on the development of high-end medical device manufacturing industry. The fourth is to vigorously develop modern logistics and e-commerce relying on the existing location and industrial advantages.

(3) Qi County

Features: The infrastructure is continuously improved. After the expressway is opened to traffic, the traffic in Qixian County and the industrial agglomeration area is convenient, and the carrying capacity of investment projects is further enhanced. A number of new projects have been introduced around the deep processing of agricultural and sideline products, and agricultural and sideline product industry chain projects such as Shuzhengyuan Food, Qiongyu Food, and Taichang Quick-frozen Food have made rapid progress. Focusing on the profile processing industry, the production situation of the second phase of Xichao Profile Project, 70,000 tons of plastic steel profiles project, Tianguan Aluminum Project, and 50,000 tons of profiles in Jiangxi Dada is in good condition, and the profile processing industry has begun to take shape. Centering on commerce and trade, the Xintai Department Store project was newly introduced, which improved the supporting functions of urban life.


Suggestions: First, focus on Longyu Chemical and DMEGC Group, take the initiative to make door-to-door connections, lengthen the industrial chain, introduce upstream and downstream related projects in the industrial chain, and continue to expand the new energy and new material industry; In the deep processing industry of food and agricultural by-products, focus on the introduction of leading projects that support the county's economic development, and make the industrial cluster bigger and stronger. The third is to vigorously carry out investment promotion, focus on introducing aluminum material deep processing projects with strong strength, large scale and quick results, so as to realize industrial agglomeration.

(4) Tongxu County

Features: Actively revitalize idle factory buildings in the park, vacate cages and replace birds, encourage corporate mergers and acquisitions, reposition the park industry in the district, and introduce Yuanda Wood Industry, Lintong Industry, Jiazhou Wood Industry, Shangpin Mingfeng Door Industry, Xinzhidong Wood, Lisen Wood, Ji's Wood, Dou's Delai Wood, Aihua Coffee Table and other plank wood flooring manufacturers have revitalized a number of idle factories.

Suggestions: First, scientifically demonstrate, broaden the ideas of investment promotion, and introduce leading projects with strong driving ability and stimulating effect on county economic development in combination with resource advantages; second, focus on introducing electric vehicle brand enterprises to play the leading role of leading projects; third, Increase government coordination and continue to revitalize the idle assets of Kerui and other electric vehicle industrial parks; Fourth, increase investment promotion efforts, strictly control project entry conditions, and focus on introducing strong and large-scale panel and furniture manufacturers.

(5) Xiangfu District

Features: Taking the construction of Kaigang Avenue as an opportunity to continuously expand the development space, the Tianxia Stone Culture Industrial Park project has been newly introduced, and the China Fortune Land Development Industrial City under planning shows the stamina of Xiangfu's development; Zhuxian Town National Cultural Ecotourism Demonstration Park has officially opened to the public Open for business, the connotation of cultural tourism in the park has been continuously enriched, and it has begun to take shape; taking advantage of the location and transportation advantages, it has introduced a number of logistics projects such as Hongdi Logistics, Xiangfu Automobile Industrial Park, agricultural and sideline products warehousing logistics, postal e-commerce industrial park, and Huanglong Automobile Logistics Park. ; Focusing on modern agriculture and ecological tourism along the Yellow River, a number of agricultural industrialization projects such as the crayfish style garden project, 10,000 mu lotus root and aquaculture, and white bark pine planting base have been introduced; the urban and rural environment has been comprehensively improved, urban functions have been improved, and urban areas have been improved. 城市景观。

Suggestions: First, plan and introduce large projects around the high standards of Kaigang Avenue to create new economic growth points. The second is to focus on the Zhuxian Town National Cultural Eco-tourism Demonstration Park, vigorously develop the modern service industry, introduce cultural tourism, performing arts and other operators, and create a well-known cultural tourism brand. The third is to give full play to the advantages of location and transportation, and strive to introduce well-known modern logistics enterprises. The fourth is to increase the investigation of the original investment attraction enterprises, revitalize the zombie enterprises, and realize the second investment attraction.

(6) Longting District

Features: Newly introduced projects such as the Yangliuan Leisure Development Base and Tianhe Traditional Chinese Medicine Research and Development Base around the Yellow River Ecotourism Demonstration Belt, which enriched the connotation of the Yellow River Ecotourism Resort; centered on improving the tourism carrying capacity of the old city, newly introduced the Hanting Hotel , Shangkeyou Chain Hotel and other projects; centering on the health care industry, newly introduced Taibang Pension Project and Boai Pension Project.

Suggestions: First, around the construction of the lower station of Kailiu Road on Lianhuo Expressway, scientifically plan the layout of projects along the Yellow River Ecotourism Demonstration Belt and on both sides of Kailiu Road, build a big platform around big tourism, introduce big projects, and promote the construction of a self-driving tour distribution center. The second is to speed up the investment promotion of eco-tourism cultural projects along the Yellow River, focus on introducing well-known brands for leisure, elderly care and tourism, and create a new business card for the northern eco-tourism area. The third is to revitalize the idle commercial real estate stores in the old city, and vigorously develop business invitations.

(7) Gulou District

Features: Around the Gulou commercial district, vigorously improve the city appearance and city appearance, implement the transformation of Yuge Street, introduce a number of new projects such as Pudding Hotel, revitalize idle shopping malls such as Xinghe Department Store, and introduce the Gulou Food City project and Guji Art Hotel project , the Gulou business district has grown further; centering on the transformation of the old city, a number of new commercial real estate projects have been accelerated. The investment attraction of Wanbo Times Square is progressing smoothly. The strong alliance with Columbus Commercial has gathered five major formats of supermarkets and creative trendy markets to attract major major brands. , Newly introduced a number of well-known brands such as Starbucks, Yonghui Supermarket, and Koala Adventure Children's Paradise, which further enhanced the commercial level and improved the tourism consumption environment.

Suggestions: First, scientifically plan the Nanyuan regional industry, and plan the project layout with high quality. The second is to focus on the introduction of urban complex developers, speed up the planning and packaging of the third-phase project on the south bank of Baogong Lake and the water system, and strive for continuous development along the street and shantytowns. The third is to further enrich the connotation of the Gulou commercial district, scientifically plan the commercial positioning of Gulouli, and create a characteristic commercial block.

(8) Yuwangtai District

Features: Focusing on the transformation and upgrading of the chemical industry, focusing on the development of high-end fine chemicals and new materials, newly introduced projects with an annual output of 120,000 tons of phthalic anhydride, an annual output of 50,000 tons of iron phosphate and an annual output of 20,000 tons of lithium iron phosphate, with an annual output of 459 tons (Category 7) pharmaceutical intermediates, water-based environmental protection composite materials with an annual output of 5,000 tons, etc.; around the 310 National Highway traffic location advantage, focus on the development of business logistics, and newly introduced the Kaifeng Changsheng International Trade City project.

Suggestions: First, focus on the advantages of the chemical industry park, plan scientifically, vigorously introduce high-end fine chemicals, high-end projects in new energy and new material industries, and vigorously develop circular economy. The second is to vigorously develop production and living logistics industries such as chemical industry, light industry, and agricultural products around the traffic advantages of 310 National Highway, forming industrial agglomeration. The third is to accelerate the start of the station square project around the eastward extension of the Zhengkaicheng Railway, introduce a number of high-end commercial brands, and create a new commercial core.

(9) Shunhe Hui Area

Features: A number of new projects such as Dongxin Mansion and Peiwen School of Peking University have been introduced around the construction of the eastern new city. Give full play to the financing function of financing platforms, break the bottleneck of shanty town renovation and affordable housing projects in the jurisdiction, implement precise policies, and resume construction of a number of real estate projects such as Wenhuiyuan. Increased investment in infrastructure construction, implemented projects such as Hongda Avenue and heat pipe network renovation, and introduced geothermal development projects in the East District with the help of Sinopec Xinxing's new energy technology development strength.

Suggestions: First, speed up the construction of projects such as Shanghai Shenhua Auto Expo Park and Zhongmeng Agricultural Material Logistics Port, and strive to achieve results as soon as possible. The second is to reorganize the land surrounding key plots such as Sunshine Lake, the third phase of the water system, and Todaiji Temple, actively plan and scientifically position, increase opening up and attract investment, and introduce a number of good projects. The third is to vigorously carry out investment promotion, revitalize old enterprises, introduce new projects, and promote the scale of Biandong Industrial Cluster.

